Category Archives: Introduction

An Announcement

As a kid I was very lucky to have a father who worked as a magazine editor. Well, I mean, I can look back now and call it lucky. At the time I was to busy crying from the pages and pages of red ink that he would hand to me when I showed him a paper I had written for school. Dad never pulled a punch in those days, which I had considered unfair. I’m still in school! Why can’t he take it easy on me? But it was precisely because he didn’t pull his punches that I learned much earlier than my classmates how to construct a decent sentence, paragraph, and paper.  I also learned that spelling is ultimately a visual process. (That whole “sound it out” thing is a load of hogwash in the English language.)

Since that time, I have worked as an editor, myself, as well as an admin upon which various executives relied for fixing their memos. I also spent a good chunk of time with blossoming writers, as well as growing my own writing career– and from direct experience, I learned  how to pinpoint parts of a manuscript that need to be tightened, yes, but also to point out where a manuscript is strong, so that writers know to keep doing that.

In other words, over the years my father’s red ink has served me well, and now it will serve me once again.

I have set out a shingle as a freelance editor specifically for small- and independent-press fiction writers. This is very exciting for me, because I get to do two things that I love: read and support blossoming writers and geek out on grammar and spelling a bit.

If you are interested or just curious about my services, you can check out my editing services page here.

And meanwhile, I’ve got a gig, so if you don’t hear from me for a bit, it’s because I’ve got my red pen out.

See you on the other side!

All Things Shiny and New

Lately when people have asked me how things are going, I just blink and don’t know how to respond. There’s so much! Where to start?

Chronologically, the first bit of news is that I’m taking a “business of writing” class through the RWA (Romance Writers of America). I’ve been a member just over a year, and I’ve been taking little email classes from them this whole time: How to develop better characters, how to build better worlds, how to plot a series. I went through my files the other day, and I think I’ve taken about 6 classes. Membership worth it, right there. I have learned so much! Continue reading All Things Shiny and New

Riding the Rocketship

Greetings fellow crew-members of Planet Earth!

It feels good to be back at the keyboard, especially for something as silly as my own thoughts. I was awake at 5:00 this morning, following a night of tossing and turning. Getting up that early would be excellent, except for the fact that today is Saturday, and I was really hoping to sleep until at least 10:00. Mebbe 11:00. Anyway, at 5:00, I decided it was time for me to start blogging again. Get my thoughts back out into the ‘sphere. So, I hopped onto the Interwebs, picked up my new home page (isn’t it shiny?) and then waited for the Internet Fairies to do Things until I get could get to writing. It took a little longer than than I expected, but here I am.

I figure this is a good spot for me to ramble about All The Stuff. And ask the really important questions, like “Why couldn’t they have named MY elementary school Rocketship?” I mean, c’mon. How cool is that name? AND I figure if I need to share an important recipe, this here’s the place. (Notice the blog is named Thoughts, Questions, Recipes? That’s why.)

So. Here we are.

Oh, I should probably introduce the cast of characters. Continue reading Riding the Rocketship